Posts Tagged ‘Winning Moves’

What are you trying to say?

May 18, 2010

(And why are you trying to say it?)

Strategic marketing applies to social media. And there are a couple of concepts about social media that I find intriguing.

  • A client felt he shouldn’t delve into social media because his kids used twitter. Now, his kids don’t have the budgt to rent a billboard, but if there were cheaper price points, do you think they might? His kids are using phones and websites, but that’s not stopping his company from using phones and websites. He shouldn’t use twitter the same way his kids do, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t use it.
  • What are your goals for social media? Just like every other marketing tactic, figure out why you are doing it, and come up with a strategy and metrics.
  • The social media landscape is changing quickly, and so should your strategy. You may want to stop twittering before everyone else already has.
  • Original thought and original content is king.
  • Saying something just to say something is as annoying now as it was before social media.

So, what is it you are trying to say? And why are you trying to say it?

Winning Moves: We all know what assuming does …

June 30, 2009

From June’s Winning Moves: Developing a breakthrough value proposition requires thinking differently than your competition. It requires solving your customer’s pain points in ways that your competition hasn’t yet identified. One way to do this is to question the assumptions that your business is based upon.